Aftercare Information

  • What you need:

    • Liquid antibacterial unscented hand soap, such as Dial Gold or Softsoap

    • Either unscented lotion such as Aveeno or Lubriderm, or Hustle Butter

    • Roll of paper towels

  • Dermshield sticker bandage method aka “wet healing”

    1. Leave the bandage on for at least 48 hours, or up to 5 days. It will likely fill up with some ink and plasma, which is totally normal and the bandage can continue to stay on as long as the liquid doesn’t leak out. If your bandage begins to leak liquid, remove the bandage asap. *If you were given an extra bandage to change into, you may do so the day after getting tattooed if the “ink sack” looks like it may start to leak, i.e. becomes very full or starts to migrate toward the edges of the bandage.

    2. When you are ready to remove the bandage, do so in the shower with your tattoo under running water. Slowly and gently pull the bandage from the corner, parallel against the body. Do not pull the bandage outwards away from the body as this may cause irritation or pull the ink out. If the bandage is hard to remove, you can rub some unscented soap on the edges to help it come off.

    3. Wash the tattoo with lukewarm water and unscented soap.

    4. Gently pat dry with a clean paper towel. *Do not rebandage unless I have given you an additional dermshield bandage to apply, in which case make sure the tattoo and surrounding area is completely clean and dry before applying.

    5a. If you kept the bandage on at least 3 days, repeat washing and moisturize with unscented lotion or Hustle Butter 1-2 times a day until the tattoo is fully healed, approximately 2-4 weeks.

    5b. If you took the bandage off sooner than 3 days, repeat washing and moisturizing with unscented lotion or hustle butter 2-3 times a day for the first 3 days. After 3 days, wash 1-2 times a day and either switch to moisturizing with an unscented lotion, or continue to use Hustle Butter butter until the tattoo is fully healed, approximately 2-4 weeks.

  • Traditional method aka “dry healing”

    1. Keep bandage on about 3 hours before removing.

    2. Wash your hands and gently remove the bandage. Wash the tattoo with lukewarm water and unscented soap. Do not rebandage.

    3. Gently pat (do not wipe) your tattoo dry with a clean paper towel.

    4. Apply the thinnest possible layer of Aquaphor or Hustle Butter evenly across the tattooed area.

    5. Repeat washing and moisturizing 2-3 times a day for 3 days. After 3 days, wash 1-2 times a day and use an unscented lotion, or continue to use Hustle Butter until the tattoo is fully healed, approximately 2-4 weeks.

  • Important reminders for healing

    • Always wash your hands with soap and water before washing and moisturizing a healing tattoo

    • Do not rub, pick at, or scratch the tattoo or surrounding area while it is healing. Loss of color and/or infection could occur. If your tattoo is super itchy, it’s probably time to moisturize (;

    • Do not submerge your tattoo in water or go swimming while your new tattoo is healing. You can still shower normally.

    • Never ever wipe a fresh tattoo with a paper towel and don’t even think about using a cloth towel on a fresh tattoo

    • Stay out of sunlight and tanning booths until tattoo is healed, at least 14 and up to 30 days.

    • Wear loose fitted clothing to minimize friction against your healing tattoo

    Do not work out while the tattoo is fresh, depending on the location of the tattoo you may resume light activities within 5-7 days.

  • Touch Ups

    I offer a free touch up for all tattoos I’ve performed for up to one year. If more than a year has passed, or we’ve already done one touch up previously, I may still offer your touch up for free on a case by case basis. Click here to request an appointment for a touch up.

  • If you have any questions or concerns

    Please don’t hesitate to contact me via email at or click here for my contact form.